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Two Men Divided.

Two Men United.

When fate brings a fearless Texas ranger together with the legendary Frederick Douglass, a wild ride ensues in a riveting page-turning, adventure- prompting, and imaginative history-changing consideration of the American Civil War.

A little known, desperately conceived attempt to avoid the war between the states; a last ditch plan between the most unlikely characters-

Enemies and Friends.

The Hunt for Frederick Douglass:

The Last Chance, Secret Mission to Avoid the Civil War


Advance Praise

The Hunt for Frederick Douglass is a powerhouse of a first novel.

Beautifully written and expertly crafted author Terry Balagia tells  the tale of Texas Ranger, Rip Gatlin, who is ordered to capture Douglass for the South to use as a pawn to avoid the outbreak of the Civil War.

 Historically accurate and full of Frederick Douglass quotes, The Hunt For Frederick Douglass is a thrilling read.”

 —Maxine Paetro

Novelist, NYTimes best-selling author, co-author of more than thirty thrillers with James Patterson

"The unconventional alliance of a Texas Ranger and legendary abolitionist Frederick Douglass in this fictional "what if " mission to change history challenges assumptions about the civil war and today's racial cultural realities and social injustices.

Big plus: it's a thriller action novel about a covert operation by an unexpected duo on a wild-ride adventure."

—Jay Levin

Founder and former editor-in-chief of LA Weekly

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July?”

-Frederick Douglass

“I’m not from the north or the south. I’m from texas and we don’t have a dog in this fight.”

-Rip Gatlin, Texas Ranger

But As it turns out, he does.

“As Crazy as the mission sounds-anything is worth trying to avoid this coming war.”

-Sam Houston

About The Author


With Texas roots, Terry Balagia, was born and raised in Austin. His family was always surrounded by books. Growing up, Terry made frequent trips with his mother, who was also on the library board, to the local branch. They would play hide and seek at the Austin Public Library where his mother would also check out upwards of twenty books a week.

Terry recalls coming home from class one day while in college and telling his mom, “I know now what I am here to do…I want to write books. I want to be a novelist.”  But he additionally fell in love with copywriting and went straight to New York to start his advertising career after he graduated from the University of Texas. Terry rose to the ranks of executive creative director and management in major agencies. After a celebrated career writing and producing numerous national advertising campaigns and winning more than his share of creative awards, it was time for Terry’s other lifelong dream to write novels.

Back in November of 2017, while editing two earlier manuscripts Terry was hit with a most unusual bolt of intuition. This inspiration led Terry on his quest resulting in him spending the next four years writing THE HUNT FOR FREDERICK DOUGLASS ensconced in his home in California.

Frederick Douglass-Social Reformer, Abolitionist, Orator, Writer and Statesman



Terry BAlagiA


SXSW 2022

On Tuesday, March 15th, Terry was honored to present at this year’s SXSW in Austin, Texas. Always, the teacher and leader, Terry’s presentation, “Frederick Douglass: Turning Historical Figures into Fiction”, attracted an amazing audience engaged in the power of using one’s writing for entertainment and changemaking.

Terry explored the ins and outs of recasting the legendary Frederick Douglass in the soon-to-be-released book, The Hunt for Frederick Douglass. Drawing on his creative industry background, Terry explained the process, the pitfalls, and the alignment of purpose in crafting a historical fiction novel.

Thank you again to Hugh Forrest and SXSW for this fabulous opportunity!

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