Author’s Blog

“This page is dedicated to my writing inspirations that ignite and excite me-
Inspirations including those which led to the writing of my novel.”

— Terry Balagia

Why Did the Ostrich stick his head in the sand in the first place?
Terry Balagia Terry Balagia

Why Did the Ostrich stick his head in the sand in the first place?

We are too busy criticizing the ostrich for sticking his head in the sand whenever confronted with trouble. Cutting himself off from the world around him. No longer watching the news. Hoping the problem will simply go away if he ignores it, and fails to acknowledge that there in fact, even is a problem.

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The legendary Texas Rangers
Terry Balagia Terry Balagia

The legendary Texas Rangers

“A LARGE PROPORTION was unmarried. A few drank intoxicating liquors. Still, it was a company of sober and brave men. They knew their duty and they did it. While in town they made no braggadocio demonstration. They did not gallop through the streets, shoot, and yell. They were a specie of moral discipline. They did right because it was right.” - Texas Ranger Captain John ‘Rip’ Ford (1818-1897)

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All men are not created equal
Terry Balagia Terry Balagia

All men are not created equal

All men are NOT created equal.

Sounds un-American doesn’t it?It sounds non-patriotic to even say. But the truth be known, it is very American. Because it is a very accurate reflection of our society

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I want the dream…I want that world Now
Terry Balagia Terry Balagia

I want the dream…I want that world Now

To even begin to grasp the significance of

Juneteenth , you first need to acknowledge the horrors of


It is not a celebration to be commercially branded or trivialized.

It is an honoring.

A remembering.

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