I want the dream…I want that world Now

To even begin to grasp the significance of
you first need to acknowledge the horrors of
It is not a celebration to be commercially branded or trivialized.
It is an honoring.
A remembering.
A come-to-Jesus for our country’s soul.
A chance to sit together and ask ourselves; how did our forefathers, who
started this American experiment, bring themselves to live and breath every
day in a world where their fellow man was enslaved. Where, in fact, 11 of the
39 signers of the Declaration of Independence were slave owners at the time
of their signing the document.
It makes no sense.
And after 148 years since slavery was abolished, it still makes no sense.
I am tired of being patient.
I am tired of waiting for change.
I am tired of being told to that ‘someday’ we will live in a world
where men are not judged by their race.
I say, I want that ‘someday’ now.
I do not want to wait any longer.
I insist on that world surrounding me now.
When I hear it recited, that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal.” I scream, “Bullshit!” It wasn’t true then and it’s not
true today.
I want it to be, but it is not.
And when I hear it said,
‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where
they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their
I want to scream,
It was a dream then. It is a dream now.
Dreams are no longer enough.
I want that world now.
Why are we so patient with evil,
yet so impatient with people with different points of view?
It makes no sense to me.


All men are not created equal
